Our Story​
A soft serve enthusiast! Beth absolutely loves when she discovers the natural or organic version of the sweet treats she offers at Shoofly Dairy Bar. Calls Shoofly her JOY JOB. Promotes the inner creativity of her Shoofly Team and Shoofly Customers to help bring forth some of the most imaginative frozen treat creations she has ever witnessed! SNOCHURNS and SUNDAES and SNOBALLS – oh my!
“Sharing ice cream with my best friend”, is how our SHOOFLY STORY begins.
Our love for laughter, delicious desserts, and the search for “the most amazing soft serve”, are just a few of the ideals that set the foundation that Shoofly Dairy Bar was built upon. We have found that our quality service emerges from the JOY-FULL feeling of sharing with you what we so deeply love ourselves.
We opened our ‘window’ October 1, 2017, on a beautiful sunny Sunday, and have been loving the SWEET LIFE ever since!
Our Marvelous Shoofly Team and Delightful Customers are the brightest and most gratifying parts of our day at Shoofly Dairy Bar.
This Shoofly adventure has unfolded so spectacularly before us that we are super excited to experience what is yet to come.
A sweet treat aficionado! Dave enjoys bringing new life back to old traditions and buildings. The building that Shoofly is in, was built back in 1950. Bringing families and communities together for quality desserts are all part of his lifelong dream of owning his own ice cream shop. No better way to bring his immediate family and his Williamsburg family together than through sharing shoofly pie and soft serve together!